Early registration for the NECA NOW Executive Leadership Summit ends on February 16th (with standard registration closing on February 27th). This year the NECA NOW program will be held at the JW Marriott Hill Country in San Antonio, Texas, March 27-29, 2017.
The Conference opens with key note speaker, technologist James Benham of JBKnowledge, Inc., and sessions topics include The Big Cloud, Local Data Threats and Managing Risk with James Benham, Help Wanted: Recruit and Retain Your Future with John Finch, and Illuminating a New Path to Profits with Jon Zelinsky. Evening entertainments featurefood, drinks, and entertainment.
Remember, each member firm in good standing to the Chapter may elect to send the accredited representative of the firm, who is recognized by the Twin Ports Arrowhead Chapter, to either the National NECA Convention and/or the Midwest Regional Conference. The Chapter will reimburse the cost of the registration to the member firm, provided the member firm has no arrearages to the Chapter as per the current By-Laws. To register for the conference, go to www.neca-now.com. If you plan on attending, please let the chpater office know