Duluth Approves Safe & Sick Time Task Force

On September 27th, the Duluth City Council approved a resolution to create an 11 member task force to study a possible earned safe and sick time ordinance for the city. This follows both Minneapolis and St. Paul instituting their own safe and sick time ordinances within the last year. Each of those ordinances included an exemption for employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement. NECA expects, and will work towards, securing that same language when/if an ordinance is implemented in Duluth.

The following people were named to the task force: Citizens at Large Terese Tomanek and Stephan Witherspoon, Labor Organization Theresa O’Halloran-Johnson (AFSCME Local 66), Hospitality Industry Tony Boen, Health Professional Kathryn Wegner, Economic Development Organization Erik Forsman, Human Resources Professional Laura Weintraub, Family Organization Angie Miller, Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Advocacy Professional Mary Faulkner, Business Community Representative Chad Ronchetti and Brenda Denton. Laura Weintraub and Angie Miller serve as co-chairs on the task force.

The task force meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month and these meetings are open to the public and the task force encourages citizens to attend. Information in regards to the task force, including agendas and minutes can be found on the City of Duluth website.
Link: http://www.duluthmn.gov/boards-commissions/earned-sick-and-safe-time-task-force/