Last Chance to Register for the 2017 MEI Course: Managing Field Productivity

There are still two spots left for the February 22nd MEI Class “Managing Field Productivity”. The class will is being held at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Downtown Duluth and from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. A light breakfast will be offered followed by lunch, a snack, and refreshments.

The course will be FREE for one person from each Chapter firm, and will cost $150 for each additional attendee. Contact the Chapter Office to reserve your spot today.

Class Summary: Electrical contracting is a high-risk and labor-intensive industry and the most volatile cost element facing contractors is field labor productivity. This course will focus on ways to plan, measure and take corrective action to increase field productivity. This course will be facilitated by Dr. Awad Hanna with the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


JW Marriott Hill Country - San Antonio, Texas

JW Marriott Hill Country - San Antonio, Texas

The 2017 NECA Now Executive Leadership Conference will be held at the JW Marriott Hill Country in San Antonio, Texas.   Registration for the conference will officially open on January 11th, 2017  and reservations can be made on line at   

A golf tournament has been setup for the morning of Monday, March 27, 2017 beginning at 8 a.m. at the AT & T Canyons. There is a $210 tournament fee and club rentals are available at the course for $86.00 plus tax.  That evening, the Conference opens with key note speaker, technologist James Benham of JBKnowledge, Inc., at 5:00 pm with a  networking reception to follow at 6:30 PM.  

Seminar sessions will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 2017  beginning at 8:30 a.m. and running until 4:00 p.m.   Session topics include The Big Cloud, Local Data Threats and Managing Risk with James Benham, Help Wanted: Recruit and Retain Your Future with John Finch,  and Illuminating a New Path to Profits with Jon Zelinsky. On Wednesday morning, March 29, training resumes at 8:30 a.m. and will feature sessions that include Energy Leadership: Energy Storage Systems and Microgridswith Mike Johnson and Latest Trends and Solutions for Common Issues with George Yoshida and Ed Scott. The day is capped off with a Dessert Party featuring food, drinks, and entertainment.

As per the current Chapter policy, each member firm in good standing to the Chapter may elect to send the accredited representative of the firm, who is recognized by the Twin Ports Arrowhead Chapter, to either the National NECA Convention or the Midwest Regional Conference.  The Chapter will reimburse the cost of the registration to the member firm, provided the member firm has no arrearages to the Chapter as per the current By-Laws. 

Registration packets will be available for pick up by individual members, or by chapter managers at the NECA Registration Desk from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 26, 2017 and from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 0n Monday, March 27, 2017.  Please note that only children who have registered and have paid the registration fee may attend the social events. 

As listed above, registration for the event officially opens on January 11, 2017 on the website. Please remember that early registration ends on February 16th.   Please note that registration closes on February 27.   

Council Meetings: 

A meeting of the District 7 Council members will be held Thursday, March 30, 2017 beginning at 8:30 a.m. to Noon. A continental breakfast will be served prior to the meeting at 7:30 a.m. 

If you have any questions regarding the Conference, please contact me at the Chapter Office.


Duluth Approves Safe & Sick Time Task Force

On September 27th, the Duluth City Council approved a resolution to create an 11 member task force to study a possible earned safe and sick time ordinance for the city. This follows both Minneapolis and St. Paul instituting their own safe and sick time ordinances within the last year. Each of those ordinances included an exemption for employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement. NECA expects, and will work towards, securing that same language when/if an ordinance is implemented in Duluth.

The following people were named to the task force: Citizens at Large Terese Tomanek and Stephan Witherspoon, Labor Organization Theresa O’Halloran-Johnson (AFSCME Local 66), Hospitality Industry Tony Boen, Health Professional Kathryn Wegner, Economic Development Organization Erik Forsman, Human Resources Professional Laura Weintraub, Family Organization Angie Miller, Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Advocacy Professional Mary Faulkner, Business Community Representative Chad Ronchetti and Brenda Denton. Laura Weintraub and Angie Miller serve as co-chairs on the task force.

The task force meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month and these meetings are open to the public and the task force encourages citizens to attend. Information in regards to the task force, including agendas and minutes can be found on the City of Duluth website.

2016 Recognition Dinner: A Great Success

Once again, the Chapter hosted their Annual Recognition Dinner on December 9th at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Downtown Duluth. The over 80 attendees enjoyed generous helpings of hors d’ouvres, tasty beverages, and a delicious main course.

At the general membership meeting held prior to the dinner, Blair Mahan of Benson Electric, was elected to his fourth term as Chapter Governor (he was elected to his first term back in 2011). Governor Mahan once again delivered the evening’s keynote speech during the dinner, not only roasting several NECA members, but discussing the state of the industry and outlined the many challenges we face over the next few years. He also took the time to thank and recognize the contractors, guests, and associate members in attendance. Guests for the evening included Mark Thomas, our Midwestern Region Field Representative for NECA, and Gary Thaden, NECA’s lobbyist at the Capital.

The evening came to a close with the handing out of gifts and the annual contractors raffle. A BIG thanks to all of the Associate members that donated prizes for the evening, including Border States, Graybar, Mellin Promotional, Rouzer, Viking Electrical Supply, and WESCO. The tentative date for next years dinner is December 8th, 2017